Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In which I make bad jokes, am back in D.C., and have a good feeling about this.

Well hey there, brand new year! Nice to see you. Come in, have a seat. Stay for a while.

(It wouldn't be me if I didn't make lame jokes, right? Right.)

It was a little traumatizing getting on the plane, just like it was the first time around, and not just because I always manage to screw something up at airport security (side note: for the first time ever, I didn't screw anything up at airport security!). Being away for four months, then home for four weeks, and then flying away again is just a little...unpleasant. And I miss everyone already, naturally.

But! Oh my goodness, this semester is shaping up to be about a bajillion times better then the last one. There's really no concrete reason for it whatsoever, but I have a spectacular feeling about the next four months. I really hope I'm not deluding myself (always a possibility!), because I am enjoying things at the moment. :]

My classes are lovely, ditto my new roommates, ditto D.C. (the weather is cold and clear, the monuments and museums are still free, and for one of my classes I get to visit the Israeli and Palestinian embassies, plus the Department of Homeland Security-- I love this city, you guys!).

I hope things are going just as splendidly for everyone else (and hey, while I'm thinking about it, I hereby nominate Tuesdays as "Gratuitous 'Splendid' Days," wherein people work the word "splendid" into their everyday conversations-- who's game?).

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