Monday, April 27, 2009

In which I am homesick already, I have made a decision, and I don't want to learn about a new washing machine.

So, I put down my enrollment and housing deposit for American University in Washington D.C. today. Which is a lot of things. It is, for example, really exciting, fantastic, relieving, and also, um, completely terrifying. 

I think I'm homesick already.

I don't want to use some weird washing machine, and I don't want to have to text my friends if I want to complain about how tired I am, and I don't want to be in a different time zone then everybody else-- when I'm tired at nine in the morning? I'll have to wake you guys up at six to complain about it. Needless to say I'm not going to do that,'ll probably be tempting. Because oh, I don't know, I'LL MISS YOU.

This is all very strange, folks. I mean, I was looking through the course catalog? And don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely thrilled. I can't wait to see what I can do with myself in D.C., and I can't wait to see what the people in the lovely District of Columbia think of me. ;]

(Guys, what if NO ONE LIKES ME? This is like the first day of kindergarten all over again, jeez.)

Anywho. That decision's made, and here's hoping everything works out for me and for everyone I know. College-wise and...pretty much anything-else-wise too. :]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In which free pens are nice, I share my thoughts, and there are museums about barbed wire.

So, I'm signed up to take surveys from the Gallup panel every once in a while. And that is cool! I get things like free pens, and by God there is nothing wrong with a nice free pen every now and then!

Today, when I checked my e-mail, there was a polite little message from Gallup. Excerpt from the polite little message:

"We have a special study that we are conducting this month for teenagers. This survey will help us understand what you think about your life in school, at home, and in your community. Please take this opportunity to share your thoughts." 

So I did! Thoughts were shared. And I'm sure you can probably imagine what this survey was like, because at one point or another you have probably taken one much like it. Do you feel that you are treated with respect in your everyday life, is there an adult at school you trust/look up to, did you have a good day yesterday, you get the idea. 

Only, here's the thing. Answers? Yes, yes, and why yes I did, thank you very much!

And, I don't know. That's just kind of cool, right? 

I have been feeling kind of annoyed lately, by a lot of things, but all the things I really need to have a plain old good day, those are still there! I was pleasantly surprised. 

Top Five Other Things You May Want To Know: 

1. In the year 2008, scientists engineered see-through fish. 
2. The collective term for a group of ponies is a "string."
3. 1,500 Tibetans are killed by bears annually. 
4. The first attempt to steal the Mona Lisa was made in August of 1911. 
5. There are three museums in the United States dedicated to barbed wire.

Monday, April 13, 2009

In which I absolutely adore vacation, and here's why!

Reasons I Absolutely Adore Vacation:

1. It's vacation. By definition, it is demanded that you stress less and enjoy yourself more. You're on vacation
2. You can feel super snazzy if, say, your suitcase is the size that flight attendants use and it fits the carry-on bag requirements, and therefore you don't have to check any luggage. 

(I'm still going to check it, so that I can carry something else on. But the point stands.)
3. People, I believe, have a vacation switch in their brains. They get on the plane and they realize that they are supposed to be happier, and hey presto-- THEY ARE. This is good for a lot of reasons, chief among them the fact that I enjoy happy people. 
4. Airports are cool.
5. It is much more difficult to fight with your parents if you are not actually in the same house with them. 
6. ...It's vacation. 

Saturday, April 4, 2009

In which there is a World Happiness Quotient, I enjoy being a nerd, and that's life.

My philosophy is a little ridiculous, and by-in-large, scatterbrained and barely existent. Enjoy. ;]

"I believe small talk is a gigantic, solid brick barrier between the human race and happiness."

"So yes, unfortunately, we can't all just go scrambling up trees in search of squirrels, heedless of the consequences."

"I do my best to raise the World Happiness Quotient as often as I can." 

"Alright folks, scoot. Go on, pursue happiness. I'll be over here, gleefully clapping my hands-- you get some food, and then go to college, or start your own barbershops, or run for President or, you know, whatever. This is the starting gun. It's all yours, now. Happiness-- pursue it!"

I had a spectacularly enjoyable time at my "nerd festival" (yeah, whatever Colin, I EMBRACE MY NERDINESS). I saw "Dead Man's Cellphone," "Death And The King's Horseman," and "The Music Man," any of which I will be glad to summarize if anyone actually wants to know. :P

Now I have to work like nobody's business tomorrow, of course, but that's life. Which, by the way, I have no philosophy about. And-- ooh, it's a vicious cycle, folks.