Thursday, September 3, 2009


Hi! My name is Emily Gogerty-Northrip. And while you, dear readers (i.e., Jenna and Laurel, hey guys!), may remember me as a relatively sane and functional human being, well, the person I am now is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

And what's done this to me? 

College. College has made me utterly and completely bipolar.

On the one hand, college! I am thrilled to be here, because "here" is COLLEGE, a place where my dorky self can find all the learning she can possibly fit into four years. I have actually learned something new every day-- since when is that actually true? Isn't that usually just a truism? Like, "oh, you learn something new every day," but in reality you mostly spend your days putting to use stuff that you already knew, sometimes in vaguely innovative but mostly repetitive ways, which I know sounds terrible and boring when you read it there, but can sometimes be lovely and comforting and anyway that's not the point. Whatever, I'm tired, ignore that part. The point is, I'M LEARNING THINGS. And that's fun. 

Also, I'm in D.C.! Land of the free museums, and the free monuments, and the free concerts, and the! You guys, everything's free. Which is nice, since college is, um, not.


I miss you guys. :[ 

Not all the time, obviously. Your absence is not, like, a constant hole in my heart, as sweet and yet dependent and melodramatic as that would be. But I feel really cut off from everyone, and when I'm not frantically running around trying to get things done/actually doing the things which are supposed to be getting done (whatever! I'm tired! shut up!), I miss everyone. I hate that I'm in a different time zone. I feel like I don't actually talk to anyone any more. I'm hardly ever on facebook at the same time as lots of my friends. And I haven't talked to Camille in forever! And she is just one example! And that's not cool! :[

I know this is a new chapter of my life, blah blah blah, exciting, whatever and IT IS, okay, fine, but I don't want to totally ditch everyone I used to know. But most of them will be going to school in the same city/general area, and I am not there, and I will not be hanging out with anyone until December, aaaaaaaand FREAKING TIME ZONES I NEVER GET TO TALK TO PEOPLE.

Okay. That is all. :P

1 comment:

  1. Oh why hello there! I just had to say that I wish there were more free-ness in this Washington because I now am working at the Puyallup Fair.
    Also you are missed too and I suppose Facebook comments could help with the timezones. :D
