Sunday, October 4, 2009

In which there isn't actually that much stuff going on, but I share anyway.

My life?

I don't know. It's possible the point of this blog is to occasionally mention what is actually happening in my life.


Okey doke.

Well, I go to college now, as is pretty evident from the posts previous to this. In eleven days, I will have lived in D.C. for two months. That's pretty weird, folks. Not sure what to think of it. Here's what I do know, though: when I've lived here for two months, it's also two months until I get to come home and visit! 

That's pretty fantastic, so I guess the two-month marker is acceptable to me. ;]

The other night? This happened:

Accompanied by the sound of footsteps sprinting down the hall, a guy shouts, "Where are you?!"

There is a pause, in which the suspense is totally killing me. No seriously, where is this mysterious person? And why was the shouting necessary? Because it's like, four in the morning. I'm assuming some incredibly important stuff is happening here. 

Only, the next thing random hallway guy says is, "I don't know. I just...wanted to talk? I guess?"

There is another pause, in which I am rather annoyed with hallway guy. He just wanted to talk? Because I am prepared to reassure all of you, gentle readers, that he could've talked to whoever was at the other end of that line PRETTY MUCH WHENEVER. And that does include times which aren't four in the morning.

"Yeah...doesn't really matter? I just...yeah, no. Bye."

Alright college. Go ahead and provide me with people making unfortunate telecommunication choices just outside my door before its even light outside.


Also! I'm working now. That is a relatively new development. I'm doing secretarial stuff for an education non-profit called Higher Achievement. Neat-o! 

Ummm. I'm probably going to change my major to Political Science. That is also neat-o? 

I have a mid-term tomorrow. It's about RUSSIA. Oh Russia. Why do you have so much history? Can't you just have existed for, like, a hundred years and done nothing?

Because my life would be easier then. More boring, yes. But easier!

Okay, obviously, I got nothin'. People do interesting things in college, but I am not one of them.


1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely not surprised about the political science part. :]
