Saturday, October 3, 2009

In which I wonder what to do with college, actually don't want to drink, and have grown-up aspirations.

Oh college. What am I going to do with you? 

o1. I always forget how long it takes me to make friends?

Yeah. It takes me forever.

o2. I feel like I am definitely in the wrong residence hall. I mean, I have nothing against the people here on general principles, it's just that they all want to drink and I don't. I'm sure that's a generalization, but apparently my dorm (and my floor) is known around campus as being the "party" dorm. 


But our social interests do not intersect. :[


(Yes, this is o2, sub-part a. Shut up.)

Dear people who look at me like I am a sad, repressed person when I say I don't want to drink: 

The fact that I'm not drinking doesn't actually mean that I'm a depressingly straight-laced goody-two-shoes. OTHER things about me definitely indicate that, certainly, but this is not one of them. I think the drinking age should be lowered! If I wanted to drink? I would've done it by now. This is not a fear of breaking the rules holding me back. I actually don't think drinking sounds fun

Sorry if that bursts your bubble? It's not like I'm trying to stop you

o3. I know what I want to be when I grow up! :]

Ask me about it sometime. I WON'T BE ABLE TO STOP TALKING.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know (#3)! Message me on facebook.

    You're going to get a bunch of comments from me tonight probably, I haven't been on blogs in forever. :]
