Saturday, June 13, 2009


Awww, guys, we're all graduated and stuff. :]

Truthfully, that's about all I have to share. I mean, there hasn't been a lot going on with me lately except GRADUATIONGRADUATIONGRADUATION. Grad practice...was what it was, and besides that, I can't think of anything much to blather about!

Graduation itself was certainly very strange. I don't know about everybody else, but I was only worried while I was waiting to walk out of the expo hall/walk into the grandstand. Besides that I was pretty calm. I did have a moment in the expo hall when we were all lined up-- or, at least, supposed to be lined up-- when I got strangely proud of everyone I knew. I mean, I expected every single one of my friends to graduate, obviously. There was really no doubt. But it's still kinda cool, huh? :] 

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