Saturday, June 6, 2009

In which the important things happen alarmingly fast, I'll never have to sit in Rogers' bleachers again, and my inner-grammar geek is devastated.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how close we all are to being done with high school, but I haven't thought that much about what we've all finished

Like, portfolios? We're done with those. Senior boards? Totally over. I feel like a barely had time to breath between passing my senior boards and moving on to the next thing, and because I expected to pass (come on, we all did) I didn't make a big deal out of it. But it's over. Those piles of paper people burned at the bonfire mean that no one is ever going to remind us to fill out a Reading Record and Reflections sheet ever again. 

Five page paper for Hallberg? Done with that. But between Commoner deadlines and worrying about Honors and Awards/Senior Assembly stuff, that due date flew by too. Guys, it's finished! Five pages, double-spaced, and you know that's the last time anyone will ever say synthesis to us in a high school setting. 

Our Senior Assembly is over. We've heard Brittain's, "you walked through that door as sophomores" speech for the last time, and this time it was directed at us, of all people. Maybe for some people that assembly felt a little anticlimactic (it did for me), but we still sat through it, and now it's done. 

In fact, am I correct in assuming that we're through with the last assembly of our high school careers? I think I am. Last assembly schedule day! Last time you have to crowd into the Rogers gym with your friends and try to figure out a space on the bleachers (or the floor) where you can all squeeze in without hip-checking the stranger next to you! Last time you have the privilege of listening to the gym sound system cut in and out! 

I don't want to let this same thing happen with the last day of school, or with Commencement. I'm still going to be super busy, no question-- between job-hunting, grad parties, and my trip to D.C., I'm sure I'll be feeling pretty rushed when I hop on the bus home on Thursday, June 11, or when I scoot through a line of family after Commencement, snagging a hug from everybody before I'm out the door.  

But I don't want the end (complete end! total end! full stop, coming your way!) of my time as a mostly willing participant in public education to go unobserved. I don't want this to be one of those things that sinks in later, when there's no one around for me to cry hysterically with. 


Grab me for a hug any day this coming week, if you like. I seriously won't mind-- er, assuming creepy stalkers don't read my blog, because if you do you can totally disregard that invitation! I know it's mushy of me, but I'd like the reminder that I know spectacular people, and that we're all approaching the end of our high school careers together. 

In other news, reading senior quotes is ridiculous. And, at times, makes the grammar geek in me curl up into a tiny ball in the corner of my brain and die. 

1 comment:

  1. "to much rock for one hand."
    "i love zack bell!"
    "i am wearing diapers."
