Monday, June 1, 2009

In which I have rather a lot to do in the next four days, and I will not in fact be having a nervous breakdown, miniature or otherwise.

Mail the Cub edition, go to Mariners game, put together package for my grandma (and, you know, mail it), drop off more resumes, get frequent flier miles for new student orientation, figure out transportation to airport/to campus, do the sixteen Commoner things I am undoubtedly forgetting because I've been a space case lately, pick up shoooooes, Bio final, honors and awards night, final thank you circle (um, what am I going to say?), senior assembly (note to self: cry hysterically), get my picture taken approximately sixty bazillion times by my mother, final draft for Hallberg, proposal for Stats project, data collection for Stats, turn in Stats book, turn in Gov book, make sure all Early Human work is in (it's probably not, argh!), read Gatsby because heck, I actually want to read this book, solidify graduation plans, solidify graduation guests for once and for all, start buying books for next year, HAVE A MINIATURE NERVOUS BREAKDOWN.

Actually? I'll be fine. But it was nice to spew a giant paragraph of responsibilities and stress. Especially since I know a lot of you guys are in the same boat, at least partially. :]

This week is going to be so very, very strange. 

And lest anyone forget-- Happy June! 

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