Friday, July 17, 2009

In which there are movies, movies, and a couple more movies.


(Okay, so I don't know why some of these are getting cut off, nor do I know how to fix it. But! If you right click, you can choose "watch on YouTube" from the drop down menu, so if it's really impacting your Viewing Experience or something, go ahead and do that. :])

Movies I Want To See (some of them are released already, some aren't):




(Oh look it's every famous person you've ever seen ever!)


(Alexis Bledel I miss yoooooooou!)


(Yes, okay, I know, everyone in the world wants to see this movie, apparently. WHATEVER, SO DO I.)


Movies I've Seen That You Should Really Want To See Too:




(Sooooo muuuuuuch fuuuuuuun.)


(Oh come on, you know you loved this one when you saw it; or, alternatively, you haven't seen it yet and ought to be ashamed.)


(If there was ever a time when I wasn't in love with Kermit, it ended when I saw this movie. Oh Muppets. ♥)

And A Couple of "Yeah, I Might Spend My Money On That," Picks:



(Heeeeeee, Ricky Gervais and Tina Fey and Rob Lowe!)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

In which it is (still) too hot, UChicago and I weren't mean to be, and I warn of future Attempts At Humor.

I've decided to make up for the fact that my previous post was, in summary: blargh, it's too hot, ahhhhh college, oh, and also, hippos!

That might've made for interesting reading-- who am I to say?-- but you know, truthfully it didn't make for interesting writing, which might be the point of this whole thing in the first place. ;]

"Albert Einstein once said, 'The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.' Propose your own original theory to explain one of the 16 mysteries below. Your theory does not need to be testable or even probable; however, it should provide some laws, principles, and/or causes to explain the facts, phenomena, or existence of one of these mysteries. You can make your theory artistic, scientific, conspiracy-driven, quantum, fanciful, or otherwise ingenious—but be sure it is your own and gives us an impression of how you think about the world.

Love, Non-Dairy Creamer, Sleep and Dreams, Gray, Crop Circles, The Platypus, The Beginning of Everything, Art, Time Travel, Language, The End of Everything, The Roanoke Colony, Numbers, Mona Lisa’s Smile, The College Rankings in U.S. News and World Report, Consciousness."

If I could add to that list, I might suggest that some high school senior, aspiring to attend UChicago (because yes, this is one of their past essay prompts), explain the deep mysteries behind such phenomena as Sunday afternoons, the Beatles, fake wood grain, baseball (related: that particular hope which springs eternal in the hearts of Cubs fans), and Wyoming. 

Oh UChicago. You and I weren't meant to be, but I think there's a reason no one believes me when I say I'm not sad about it-- and the reason is that you're awesome. I'm really not all that sad about it though, and I'm going to proclaim that one more time to the internets, just to see if anyone's listening who'll buy it.  

Anyway, the point of this post was, I may have to do something about this. I'll admit to being weirdly sad when I realized my days of writing college essays were over-- at least it meant I was writing. I got into the terrible habit of not writing unless someone made me, which just is not on. And truthfully, even that's only part of it, to cover up the unseemly truth: I honestly enjoyed writing the damn things.

Anywho, expect to see something from me within the next week or so probing the untold stories of Non-Dairy Creamer, or The Platypus, or probably both. It will probably involve lots of Capitals For Emphasis, and Attempts At Humor. Just to warn you. ;]

In which there are flying, purple hippos, several sentient pumpkins, and an excellent milkshake.

Let me start off by saying: the title of this post is a complete and total lie-- none of the things mentioned are contained herein. I have never met any sort of hippopotamus, let alone a flying or a purple one; the most contact I have with pumpkins is when I carve them up on Halloween, and thank goodness those aren't sentient; and as much as I would appreciate a good milkshake right now, since it's 81 degrees in my house, I haven't got one. 

Here's some quick musings on what I have got!

Thing One: A month until I leave for school.

Musings: HolycrapohmygodwhatamIgoingtodonoseriouslyWHOA. 

Thing Two: An 81 degree house.

Musings: Are you kidding me? :[ 

In this glorious and modern world we live in, containing the technology which gives me the ability to simultaneously blog and lie sprawled on a couch with the fan on, thinking thoughts of the Arctic, there is such a thing as air conditioning.

Tragically, my family hasn't got it.

But rumor has it, my dorm will!

Allow me to revise my musings for "Thing One" to include: airconditioningplease?

Thing Three: Days when there is nothing like a little ridiculously-funny-because-it-shouldn't-be-so-ridiculously-funny humor.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In which I love quotes, Jean Houston loves laughter, and children love hamsters.

My top ten quotes of the moment, in no particular order. Is it anyone else's life goal to be quotable someday? I think it might be mine. ;]

Emily's Top Ten Quotes

o1. To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains. 
-- Mary Pettibone Poole

Because: Education vs. intelligence is clearly the debate of the summer. ;]

o2. Whatever you may be sure of, be sure of this: that you are dreadfully like other people.
-- James Russell Lowell

o3. You get fifteen Democrats in a room, and you get twenty opinions. 
-- Senator Patrick Leahy

Because: I wouldn't have it any other way. 

o4. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the former. 
-- Albert Einstein

Because: You tell 'em Al. You tell 'em. 

o5. I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. 
-- Winston Churchill 

Because: It's hilarious. Oh Winston. He clearly had to develop a sense of humor in reaction to his name, if nothing else. 

o6. Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
-- Maya Angelou

Because: There are some things it is useful to remember as I trot off to college, and this is one of them, and because it's always nice to have someone state what I believe so succinctly. 

o7. With those who don't give a damn about baseball, I can only sympathize.  I do not resent them.  I am even willing to concede that many of them are physically clean, good to their mothers and in favor of world peace.  But while the game is on, I can't think of anything to say to them.
-- Art Hill

Because: If I had to make a list of top ten things I love (and maybe I will someday), the Mariners would be on it, whether they're winning or losing. The fact that they're winning lately just makes loving them more fun.

o8. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all. 
-- Samuel Butler

Because: Among many other reasons, because it's a classic.

o9. There is no reciprocity. Men love women, women love children, and children love hamsters.
-- Alice Thomas Ellis

Because: I may not find it to be entirely true as I live my life, but I will always find it entirely hilarious. 

1o. At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
-- Jean Houston

Because: Just because. :]

Friday, July 3, 2009

In which mavericks are maverick-y, and I cannot stand Sarah Palin.

Top Ten Reasons Sarah Palin Might Have Stepped Down As Governor

o1. She wants to hike the Appalachian trail.
o2. She's had enough of monitoring the Russians, and wants to move to the East Coast, where she can keep an eye on those crafty Greenlanders. 
o3. She needs the maximum amount of time to herself to brainstorm the names of her next five children; being Governor really used up the creative energy she needs to come up with such gems as Track, and Trig.
o4. Being Governor of the great state of Alaska took too much time away from her hobbies-- like hunting moose, banning books, and throwing down with David Letterman.
o5. Mark Sanford isn't too geographically savvy-- he thought he was in Argentina, but was, in fact, in Alaska. Oops?
o6. Having verified exactly what the difference is between a hockey mom and a pit bull, she feels the need to do some research into what the difference is between a hockey mom and other animals, all over the world. Yes, Sarah Palin's going on safari! 
o7. She's noticed her accent slipping recently, and needs time away from the public eye to practice leavin' the Gs off the ends of her words.
o8. She figured all the cool governors were doing absolutely insane things (Blagojevich? Sanford?), and wanted to become part of the perfect Alaska to Illinois to South Carolina, "crazy governor trifecta."
o9. She misses seeing Tina Fey on SNL, and wanted to give her a reason to come back. 
1o. She's just bein' a maverick. It's politics as usual to serve yer full term as governor, and by gosh, Sarah Palin doesn't listen to those liberal, heathen, Muslim, terrorist, pushers of "politics as usual." She's lookin' at you, Katie Couric.

(Actually, this one was pretty much her reason.)