Thursday, July 16, 2009

In which there are flying, purple hippos, several sentient pumpkins, and an excellent milkshake.

Let me start off by saying: the title of this post is a complete and total lie-- none of the things mentioned are contained herein. I have never met any sort of hippopotamus, let alone a flying or a purple one; the most contact I have with pumpkins is when I carve them up on Halloween, and thank goodness those aren't sentient; and as much as I would appreciate a good milkshake right now, since it's 81 degrees in my house, I haven't got one. 

Here's some quick musings on what I have got!

Thing One: A month until I leave for school.

Musings: HolycrapohmygodwhatamIgoingtodonoseriouslyWHOA. 

Thing Two: An 81 degree house.

Musings: Are you kidding me? :[ 

In this glorious and modern world we live in, containing the technology which gives me the ability to simultaneously blog and lie sprawled on a couch with the fan on, thinking thoughts of the Arctic, there is such a thing as air conditioning.

Tragically, my family hasn't got it.

But rumor has it, my dorm will!

Allow me to revise my musings for "Thing One" to include: airconditioningplease?

Thing Three: Days when there is nothing like a little ridiculously-funny-because-it-shouldn't-be-so-ridiculously-funny humor.


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