Thursday, February 5, 2009

In which I cannot choose cereal, dislike math, and am fond of people.

Things That Have, At One Point Or Another, Stressed Me Out:

1. Having to choose between two different breakfast cereals.

2. When my brother moved his drum set from the garage into his bedroom. Mom, Dad, I think it's about time we sound-proofed the whole shebang.

3. Those moments when you know you should be able to say something funny and really, you'd like to! But you can't think of a single thing to say that's even vaguely humorous.

4. Forgetting my math homework in third grade. I was convinced my teacher was going to flay me alive. Long story short: yes, I have always been like this. In fact, I used to be a heck of a lot more neurotic then I am now. Now I like to think I disguise my neuroses much more cleverly. ;]

5. Annie Wright. Er, the school. Not the person.

6. Math. Really, math in any form. My math stresses have run the gamut from having to learn the multiplication tables to finding the volume of a three-dimensional shape based on its two-dimensional graph (this concept was, actually, the Calculus thing I was best at-- keep in mind that we're grading on a curve here, and being "best at" a Calculus thing does not, for me, mean I was particularly good at it).

I don't really know why I felt the need to make a post about things that cause me stress. In retrospect, that's really kind of a downer. So! Let's balance it out just a tad, yes?

You know what's been making me happy lately? PEOPLE. Not, you know, all of them, because I can't think of any particular situation when everyone in the entire world would make me happy (maybe if everyone hugged a koala? at once? different koalas, obviously, because if everyone in the world hugged one koala, then-- yeah). But a lot of the people I know have been relatively fantastic lately. And by relatively, I do mean extremely. I know that college (ah! college!) is a stressful thing, and that it's not the only stress everyone's dealing with. But even so, people-- even the super-stressed ones-- have just been striking me as fantastic lately. Maybe I just ought to pay more attention. Maybe everyone is always fantastic. ;]

Or maybe no one is fantastic. Maybe everyone is in horrible moods, and they are just making me happy anyway, by virtue of existing. Please keep in mind, folks, that I do enjoy the fact that you exist.

If you're reading this blog, chances are you've made me happy lately, because I have been remarkably happy whilst at school lately. And I'm pretty sure it's down to people, not incredibly fascinating math assignments (math! ah!).

On the, "math! ah!" note (one that fully demonstrates, I think, my eloquence as well as my intelligence), I'm going to STOP TALKING. Or, I suppose, typing.

(I am actually stopping now. Really.)

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