Monday, February 9, 2009

In which things are numbered, someone's name is Chesley Sullenberger, and my dad gets a haircut.

A List of Unrelated, But Still Numbered, Things:

1. So-o...we watched 60 Minutes in Gov today. And this particular edition of 60 Minutes had Katie Couric interviewing Chesley Sullenberger (that is quite the name, sir!), the man who crash-landed the airplane in the Hudson River. I am sure many of you have seen it. For those who haven't, let me do a quick interview of you, Katie Couric style.

(A quick disclaimer: I sincerely admire Mr. Sullenberger. I think what he did was incredible, and I actually enjoyed his answers to Katie Couric's questions. But Katie Couric herself? NOT SO MUCH.)

Me: So, have you seen the 60 Minutes interview with Chesley Sullenberger?

You: No.

Me: Re-eally?

You: Really.

Me: Do you feel any sense of loss, any feeling that there's chaos, here, because you haven't seen it?

You: Not really.

Me: None at all?

You: Nope.

Me: Really?

You: Really.

Me: I'm sure this interview, at this point, seems like a long, excruciating, and interminable ordeal. Probably feels longer than three and a half minutes, huh?

You: No, not really.

Me:...Did you pray?

2. I had no homework today. I am, obviously disregarding Gov reading, since I do that in the morning when I get to school. Hey, I am a 7:10 arriver, folks.

3. My dad got a haircut!


  1. Is butter at all traumatizing? Was there any panic when you realized that butter was, in fact, a carb?

  2. Chesley: "We were descending quite rapidly towards water."

    Katie: "So you were going fast?"

    I lol'd so much at that interview. He's awesome though.

  3. Hahaha. Oh man. Yes Katie, THE PLANE WAS GOING FAST. He is awesome. I ended up loving him that much more than I did before, in contrast with Katie Couric.
