Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In which I am on a mission.

Guys, I am on a MISSION. Yeah. The title of this blog does not lie. I have been chosen to take on a sacred quest. I think it happened some time after I saw the third or fourth one of my friends have a nervous breakdown...today. Seriously, my friends are averaging three or four or five nervous breakdowns a day and it just isn't okay with me.

So. Clear ten or fifteen minutes in your schedule, take a couple of deep breaths, and watch these videos. I am giving them my personal guarantee. At least one of them will make you laugh.

This will help. Honest.

Ready? GO.

(For the record, there are links at the bottom in case the embedded videos are not working for you. Just scro-o-o-o-oll on down.)

In which there is ping-pong, and levitation:

In which there is ENERGY, and also (this is your warning!) language you would not want to use in front of your grandmother/baby sister/chosen religious figure:

In which Powerthirst has a sequel, and there are rocket-cans:

In which there are jokes about Pachelbel, and it's funnier than you think it's going to be:

In which there is a baby, and paper:

Just, I implore you. Watch the whole thing. If this doesn't work, there is no hope for you. Just...come ON.

Links, in case the embedding didn't work for you for some reason:



  1. Emily, I adore you.
    Two of these videos are definitely on my list of favorites. Powerthirst and the laughing baby. Lovely.

  2. annnnd, you just made the world a better place.
    thank you.

  3. EMILY! Can you be my fairy godmother?! haha :D

  4. I absolutely love this

    and also think that this particular video deserves some honorable mention if it didnt make the list

