Saturday, March 14, 2009

In which there are startled exclamations, people win things, and there are victory sticks.

Things I Really Wish: 

1. If I am ever killed by a giant in the woods, die with a startled shriek, and then fall over backwards, someone had better say, "Oh, snap!" into the silence that will follow my death. 

Thank you, random attendee of "Into The Woods," tonight, for giving me something to hope for.

2. That I didn't have this headache right now. :[

3. That Natalie Colvin could just provide the soundtrack OF MY LIFE. That was intense.

Things That I Don't Need To Wish For Any More, Seeing As How They, Well, Already Happened: 

1. Commoner won best-in-state! This is news to exactly no one at this point, obviously, but that does not mean I'm not wildly pleased about it. Heeeeeeeeeee. :] 

2. I got a Superior? I always did want a medal with a picture of breadsticks on it. 

(I really do think this is really cool. It's just that, the medal looks like a picture of two hands either holding baseball bats, or breadsticks. I've chosen breadsticks. Or, as Caty and I have dubbed them, "victory sticks.")

3. Other people won things too! Eeeeeeeeee. :]

Colin, Laurel, Andrew, Ryan, Taylor (and Danny! I don't know why you're in parentheses, but you are, and I'm too lazy to go back and change it now! sorry! I still think you're cool!) and anyone whom I forgot (it's really late, okay? so don't hate me please, if I did manage to forget you), YOU ARE SO FANTASTIC, YAAAAAAAY. 

Things Which I Genuinely Need:

1. One last $12,000 a year for college. 

Anyone? Anyone?



  1. It all makes sense now! The "Oh, snap!" came from Hallberg's general location... it was totally her!

  2. Oh my goodness it WAS! That makes my life complete. Thank you, Laurel. THANK YOU.

  3. There are bread sticks on your medal? I'm so jealous.

  4. mmm bread.

    and you will have to fight me, i want natalie colvin to sing the soundtrack of my life too.

  5. Colin: I'm pretty sure that's what they are, yes. I am obeying you and bringing it into school on Monday, so you can examine them for yourself.

    Taylor: We lots of things together and she can just follow us around and sing songs?
