Sunday, March 29, 2009

In which the world fails to make sense, there is ice cream, and I have a brilliant idea.

Learnin' is hard, but all the same I have learned several things in the past couple of days. Things I have learned!

1. When the world ceases to make sense for a period of time longer than say, five or ten minutes, ice cream is usually helpful. Technically, ice cream is always helpful. But when the balance of sense in the world shifts a little more toward ridiculousness, it is best to just have some ice cream and forget about it. 

2. The world rarely makes sense; one cannot simply eat ice cream ALL OF THE TIME. Though, it's obviously kind of tempting. 

3. There are some impressive poems about welding sitting around on the internets. I'm just saying.

4. See, that doesn't exactly make heaps of sense, does it? Go ahead, reach for the ice cream. 

5. Know what else is cool? Blowing bubbles. Blowing bubbles is cool. I like to think that someday, when I am old, and boring, and have to do taxes (these things are not all necessarily linked), I will get incredibly stressed, and instead of shredding my taxes (which would set me back quite a ways, and probably annoy the IRS to no end), I will find someplace without carpet, and I will blow some bubbles. Yessssss.

6. There should be ice cream flavored bubbles. Yeah. YEAH.

That is all.


  1. "Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos."
    YES. that, in fact, is my senior quote.

    i love bubbles but not as much as i love you!

    p.s. i bought some bubble gum flavored bubbles EDIBLE BUBBLES when i was little. we need to find a store that sells those, pronto.

  2. oh welding. those poems from the '80s, really now? also, we cannot forget about the poems we first found at the beginning of the production cycle. of devil's poet.

  3. Laurel: OHMYGOSH EDIBLE BUBBLES? Hahaha. That is...that is just the fabbest of fab things. Wow. We do need to find a place that sells those, stat.

    Also, that is the best senior quote I've seen. KUDOS.

    Taylor: Ohhhhhh devil poet. Hahaha.

    "I love hell
    cuz, fire is my fate."
