Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In which I do not think of new things to say, explain that appeals courts are not appealing, and name a penguin or two.

Instead of thinking of new interesting things to say, I'm going to recycle old (theoretically interesting) things which I have already said. So! Today I...

Took Gov Notes: 

"The courts!

So, colonists weren't wild about the British judicial system-- so far from wild that they just said, "pssh, forget federal courts" for eight years. Oops. This was called the "Critical Period," basically because it sucked. Then along came the Constitution, shouting things like, "One Supreme Court," and away we went. Thanks, Constitution! The Constitution also said judges judged for life, or "during good behavior." No wild parties Sandra Day O'Connor. Anyway, then the Constitution was like, "hey Supreme Court, your original jurisdiction is stuff about public figures, or cat fights between Nebraska and Maine. So we'll give you appellate jursidiction over pretty much everything else, just for kicks. Enjoy!" 

So after THAT, we got ourselves district courts, which are basically a way to enter a criminal trial into the federal court system-- sounds like fun doesn't it? Plus, we've got courts of appeal, for-- get this-- APPEALING THINGS!"


Just for the record? "Appealing things," does not mean things which are appealing, but rather, taking another shot at not being convicted of a crime, because you were bad at it the first time. So, appeals courts? Not my way of saying courts which are aesthetically pleasing, or, in fact, pleasing in any other way. 

I also made a list:


1. Bongo
2. Fred
3. Oh-Look-That-Bird-Dances-And-Sounds-Like-Elijah-Wood
4. James Bond
5. Livingston
6. Katerina
7. Lucy
8. Jimmy Stewart (the Penguin)
9. Penguin
10. Elizabeth
11. Bert
12. Mr Puff-n-Stuff
13. His Excellency
14. Margaret
15. Florence
16. Demetri
17. Ferdinand
18. Winston Churchill
19. Franco (ko?) contributed by Camille
20. Xavier contributed by Colin


Yep. There it is, my day in a nutshell. That was...pretty much it! Enjoy? :]

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