Monday, March 30, 2009

In which long walks on the beach are not an exaggeration, I have no life philosophy, and goats are cool.

This is my MOST FAVORITEST (...hee) comic of the day, from xkcd. :]

I am not overly fond of camping (I'm not against it or anything, it it just not on my list of favorite things to do), nor of beaches, but by God, I would so want to date this person. I mean, that is standing by principles! ;]

In other (completely unrelated news), look, I am blogging again! Ta-da. Be proud of me. 


Stuff #1:

"You just have to keep trying to do good work, and hope that it leads to more good work. I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything. Yes, I want to look back and know that I was terrible at a variety of things."

-- Jon Stewart

Me too, Jon. Me too. 

Stuff #2:

I am trying to figure out how to write my English essay? And I think my life philosophy is sort of tragically underdeveloped. As of right now, my paper is probably going to look like this:

I am a fan of living. I pretty much just enjoy it. Not all of the time, obviously, because that would be creepy and vaguely Barbie-ish of me, what with the perma-smile and everything, but for a not-small portion of the time, I enjoy myself. Even when I am a gigantic ball of stress, as does occasionally happen, there is usually something cool to distract me. Like snow, or ice cream, or puppies. 

I like puppies! Also, kittens.


Ohhhh, self. Get a philosophy, STAT.

Stuff #3:

If the world wasn't full of ridiculous and vapid-- but charmingly upbeat-- music, I really might just die. I would sort of fall over and twitch for a bit, and when there was no chirpy, silly music, I would give up the ghost. 

Stuff #4: 

You know what's cool? Goats. Goats are cool. 

Stuff #5:

It would be good if I could just kind of turn off my thinking for a little bit every once in a while. I would appreciate it anyway. I would probably get more sleep. And be a slightly more vacant person, but hey. I'd trade it. Not all the time! Just. Sometimes?

Stuff #6:

A thought-- what would happen if I just came to school dressed as some obscure/made up superhero? Would people just figure I was nuts? Would they just figure I was a superhero? Would anyone ask me to get a cat out of a tree? Would I be able to find a phone booth to change in? Related-- what does Superman change in, now that phone booths are no more? 

Alright, guys, that's really all the stuff I've got, at the moment! I am going to be in Oregon starting on Wednesday, but I will (theoretically) have free access to the internets, which will be a thing of glory. I can tell you all about my Shakespeare Festival experience, sans Shakespeare.  

Someday I'm going to write up a Hamlet In Five Minutes type thing. It'll be fun. Cathartic, if you will. ;]

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