Friday, January 2, 2009

In which I have just caved and gotten a blog already, crave rice, and really like Canada.

So. It would appear that I, too, have caved and just gotten a blog already. It was, I think the combination of Taylor's encouragement ("emily, get a blog. you need to.") and Megan's ("YES! write about it! write about your non-sparkley vampire love interest") that made me do it. That, and I would very much like to avoid doing my homework.

So here I am, building my internet presence. It's obviously very, very important that when I google my name, more than a soccer tournament from when I was thirteen shows up. Without at least a few more google hits, my sense of self will just vanish entirely. I won't even know who I am.

Things about me, so that I don't feel this post is entirely lacking substance (who am I kidding? this post is entirely lacking substance):

1. It's my mom's birthday today! Hooray for National Kristin Day.

2. I really want some rice. I mean, right now. Out of nowhere, I have been hit by the need to eat some rice.

3. There is some rice in my fridge. I am quite pleased about this.

4. I enjoy heartwarming Christmas carols, like The Kinks "Father Christmas." Allow me to quote at you: Father Christmas, give us some money, don't mess around with your silly toys. We'll beat you up, if you don't hand it over...Give all the toys, to the little rich boys.

5. I actually really like Bing Crosby Christmas carols too. I'm just a fan of a more eclectic range of seasonal music than some.

6. It's going to bother me if this list doesn't end on number ten. That just seems like a nice, even number on which to end.

7. I am not sure if I have ever had to reel of ten random facts about myself at once...ever. This could present a bit of a challenge.

8. It is possible that my greatest ambition in life is to actually hug a tree. Or maybe several trees. It seems like if my greatest ambition in life was to hug ONE tree, I'd fulfill my greatest ambition in life pretty early on. Then where would I be?

9. I enjoy school. Honest. Well, most of the time. The point is, once I've dragged myself out of bed and woken up, I am in fact one of those dorks who sort of goes, "Ooh! Learning! Sounds good. I'm there."

10. Number ten! I feel accomplished.

(11. That number ten felt like cheating, so: I have abnormally flat feet, am extremely fond of Canada, and actually have the songs "Why Can't We Be Friends" and "What's So Funny Bout [Peace, Love, and Understanding]" on my iPod.)

Anyone who knows what movie, "Where's my wandering parakeet" is from gets extra points. Don't cheat and google it either. Cheating? Is wrong.


  1. victory! emily has a blog. welcome to my world. :]

  2. mmm... steamy non sparkly vampire love.
    it's so interesting!

  3. The Philadelphia Story! Ok... I definitely Googled it. I just kind of had to know you know?

  4. Cheating! But, you know, I guess I can forgive you. ;]

    I don't usually make New Years Resolutions, but I think mine might be to get everyone I know to watch The Philadelphia Story and Bringing Up Baby, both.
