Saturday, January 10, 2009

In which Starbucks is a pleasant surprise, I have fantastic friends, and I make rat-related assumptions.

So. Starbucks. I spent quite a bit of time there today, in the name of, you know, journalism and stuff.

To be fair, I did not spend as much time in that Starbucks as Laurel, Megan, and Caty spent at Rogers (I'm jealous, guys, really, Sam and I spent a not-small portion of the drive to my house wishing we were...still at school), but 15 hours is a respectable amount of time, in my humble opinion.

First of all, I spent quite a bit of time there with Brent would have been a more accurate way to phrase that, er (please hold, I'm counting), third sentence, so credit where credit is due, I would have been first bored out of my mind and then, later, asleep without his company. Thanks Brent. :]

Second: Starbucks! I don't actually spend a lot of time there on a regular basis because...I'm not a huge fan of coffee. And by that I mean, "I don't drink coffee." But I had a surprisingly enjoyable time. Everyone was polite, the baristas were sweet, the food was good, and the company was fantastic: Sam and Camille came to visit, Hannah and Nicole showed up in a completely serendipitous fashion (serendipitous=my fourth favorite word to say; I'll make a list for you guys sometime, huh?) and of course like I said, Brent was there for twelve hours, which is a long time any way you slice it.

There were, of course, endless Starbucks adventures (okay, okay, Starbucks doesn't lend itself to adventures, but I think I've definitely got something to write about) which I will not be sharing here because one, I'm reeeeeeeally tired, and two, hey, I have to have something to put in the article folks. However, you guys should remind me to show you my notes from today. They are, in places, pretty sleep-deprived and hilarious. :]

I hope everyone had a good Saturday! Laurel, Megan, Caty, I'm thrilled to hear you weren't devoured by rats. Everyone else, I'm just going to assume you weren't either. If you were, let me know, alright? Because that's the kind of thing I need to be kept appraised of.


  1. sounds like a great time. i can't wait to read everyone's articles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    oh my goodness.
    sorry for the absurd amount of exclamation points; it's all just too much, especially after an insane number of hours battling heavy eyelids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I really like exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I would not worry if I were you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm really excited to read everybody's articles too, haha. I have this sudden urge to spend 24 hours in a bunch of random places now. I think it's some kind of disease.


  3. Emily, I was devoured by rats...

  4. I need to read this article. I'm beyond excited!

    Can't wait for my 24 hours with bloody people!

  5. Jenna: I'm terribly sorry to hear it! And here I trusted those rats. Obviously Rat R made me expect really unrealistic things from rats. Like that they would all have Facebooks, and not devour people. Now I'm all sad and disillusioned.

    Colin: I am sure the bloody people will appreciate your presence. You will be a calming influence, while they spurt blood about the room, because you will not be bleeding!
