Saturday, January 3, 2009

In which I object to New Years Resolutions, make New Years Resolutions, and am something of a sap.

I'm not a huge fan of New Years Resolutions. I mean, I don't object to it when other people make them-- more power to you, guys!-- but I'm terrible at making them and worse at keeping them. I always sit down and say to myself, "Surely I can come up with a few good resolutions this year," but five minutes later I'm distracted by a book, a movie, or something shiny. Perhaps, you are all saying to yourselves, perhaps this girl's New Years Resolution should be to learn to focus.

That's entirely possible. But I'm not going to make that resolution either.

I don't know why, but I have some kind of weird, ingrained dislike of creating resolutions for myself. I like the idea of a new year and a fresh start, but apparently I'm not wild about planning it.

Still! I've decided that there's nothing wrong with the following two resolutions:

1. Get as many people as possible to watch a) Bringing Up Baby, b) The Philadelphia Story, or (preferably) c) both.

2. Bake a lot of cookies. Give away a lot of cookies.

I refuse to improve myself! Shut up!

I guess the thing is, I'm just going to try and keep doing what I'm always trying to do: read good books. Be there for my friends. Do battle with our failing computer and emerge victorious. Bake and give away lots of cookies (...maybe that doesn't need to be #2). I'm not wildly interesting, but I'm pretty happy, and I'd kind of like to keep things that way.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are incredibly interesting.
    You're life is definitely more eventful than mine.
