Sunday, January 18, 2009

In which I win at Risk, might well be a bit of a control freak, and eloquently employ the word, 'aaaaaaaah.'

Emily's Three Easy Steps to Winning Risk:

1. Strike up an unspoken (or, you know, semi-spoken) bargain with your mom before the game begins.

2. Let this sorta-spoken bargain be: You know what? I don't really want to play this game. How about once we're the only ones left, we just...stop playing? And how about, in order to hurry along toward that happy moment, we avoid attacking each other. Sound good? Good.

3. Abide by the mostly-spoken-at-this-point bargain.

Hey presto! You'll win in no time. ;]

So, my weekend so far-- I haven't really done much. I've been feeling kind of weird? Sort of sad, but mostly like things are just out of my hands, and I don't like that. I feel like June is rushing at me almost terrifyingly quickly, and I'm not ready yet, guys! Heeeeelp! I'm excited for college, sure, but come on. College? Is college. And, you know, college is kind of a scary prospect. I'm just saying. I don't really want to make all new friends! I only recently conquered my innate fear of talking to strangers! STRANGERS ARE SCARY. I like the friends I've got, I'm quite fond of them really, and I'd like to keep them for a couple more years at least.

So. There's your installment of me being (not so) secretly neurotic and sentimental. Aaaaaaaah, let's not lose touch when we go to college guys. Please? I will be ridiculously sad if that happens. I'm like that. I WILL EXPECT SOME FORM OF CORRESPONDENCE.


  1. haha i always win when my family plays risk because my two brothers and dad attack each other first, and i just sit quietly until they've practically killed each other off :]

  2. The last game of Risk my family played spanned the course of three nights and six hours of complete confusion on my part.

    And about college and making new friends... SCARY!
