Saturday, January 31, 2009

In which there are chocolate chip pancakes, I watch Charlie Bartlett twice, and baked goods are tasty.

Well. I got into Western, which is nice. It's such a relief to have gotten that first acceptance letter, and I really loved Western when I visited. Plus, my dad's making CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES in celebration. So. There is obviously a definite upside to this whole "college" business. ;]

I hope everyone's weekends are going well, and that the Friday half-day was a chance for everybody to take a deep breath. I spent it at Camille's house, watching Charlie Bartlett, watching it again (this time with commentary), and baking a chocolate roll which ended up being a...chocolate loaf. But. You know. It was still chocolate.

In conclusion: so far, the theme of my weekends is tasty baked goods. :]

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