Tuesday, January 13, 2009

In which I make lists, combat the Tuesday Blues, and use the word 'ickiness.'

Today was...bizarre. Has anyone else noticed that there are these days, every once in a while, when the entire student body is exhausted? Even if no one's sick, there's no big assignment due, and people got reasonable amounts of sleep?

Hannah suggested that it might be the Tuesday Blues. I'm inclined to agree, I suppose. Stupid Tuesdays. Stupid blues.

As a result of today's general ickiness (yeah, I said ickiness-- and I'm only a little bit ashamed), I feel the need to make a List of Good Stuff From Today, By Class.

Gov: Um. I finished reading Federalist 51 and got to take a nap? I feel like there wasn't too much happening in Gov today.

: The "Birthday Party" write was less intimidating then it might have been, and RRs weren't due.

: Hee! When is this class not good? We all got to compare little kid activities, among them, hip-hop and ballet. Losing it with laughter for possibly five solid minutes is never a bad thing.

Early Human
: Fulfillful baklava. Thanks Jenna, and thanks, random presenting girl, for providing me with amazing food and a new vocabulary word, respectively.

: Mr. Beni is really fantastic and offered to help me with everything I don't understand, pretty much whenever I can make it in.

: Apples to Apples is always good. Regardless of any and all trouble we got into for it. Also, the source of the incredibly shrill humming noise being Heather's recorder? I was just...guys, there are times when you just have to accept that RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY is all you can be.

After School (yes, yes, I know this isn't a class, hush): My kitten. My mom. Booooooks. :]

My Top Five Favorite Words to Say Out Loud:

5. guacamole

4. serendipitous

3. surreptitious

2. wombat

1. chihuahua

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