Thursday, January 15, 2009

In which there are two Glenns, I achieve victory, and my kitten gets her nails done.

Because a bunch of people I know made phone calls on behalf of the school district last night, and had their fair share of horror stories to tell, I thought I'd share my mom's own phone calling horror story with the internet at large.

My mom went to the University of Puget Sound, and for a while she worked in the admissions office, making phone calls to people who had expressed interest in transferring to UPS to confirm that they were, in fact, transferring (or, you know, not transferring). Apparently, one day, she made a phone call that went like this:

"Hi, I'm calling from the University of Puget Sound. Can I speak to Glenn?"
"Big Glenn, or Little Glenn?"
"Um. I'm calling from the University of Puget Sound?"
"You must want Little Glenn then."

My mom, tragically, cannot remember whether or not Little Glenn actually attended UPS. If you happen to know, please, do share the information with me. I'm sure my mom is frantically searching for closure.

Other then that, I just applied to American University and UW (which I always forget I'm applying to in the first place). Ha! And again, ha! VICTORY IS MINE, PEOPLE. That only leaves Whittier, which I guess requires hard copies of letters of rec? Anywho, the point is: victory? Definitely mine.

One last thing that I am absolutely sure anyone and everyone reading this was dying to know: my dad is, this very minute, in the process of trying to clip my kitten's claws. Her growls are getting almost musical in nature, but I'm guessing any crescendos are going to involve flailing paws, and nasty sharp teeth sinking into the exposed skin of, well, my dad. So let's hope she calms down. Um. Anyone want to take bets on exactly how likely that is?

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